Monday, July 6, 2009

Are they all yours, and anxiety that comes with kids

This is the question that we frequently get asked....and I have to laugh...I guess because I am so use to it now, it really does not phase me all too much. But I have to say that being a mom of 5 boys under 7 is pretty funny when we go out.

Take the other day for example....we went out to Sam's Club to do some shopping, and because my dad was here for 2 days to help us out, we took the kids to the Home Depot workshop, then went to Sam's to grab a few things.....we had 3 of them...they were behaving pretty good considering~Oh wait! They were running around looking for all the free samples! LOL! So all the people would start laughing everytime they had seen a cart! They would say "Come on guys look! Free Samples!" LOL! It was so cute, and the people would get a kick out of them...then anytime we'd mention that we had 2 more at home, we would get the priceless look (you know the one, where their mouth drops to the floor....then when we say that those ones are boys also, their eyes pop out of their sockets to match! LOL)

Okay.................I have to stop this story real quick and ask......


This is the 2nd time now that he's straddled him and tried to ride him like a pony....LOL! What is the infatuation with this?! It's driving me nutty! Grrr.....

Anyway, where was I......Oh yeah.....

Then we get the next question of "Were you trying for a girl" I tell them nope! We were in fact not even trying for the last 3! LOL! God just thought that we should be lucky enough to be surrounded by all these handsome boys! LOL! Then they say....."I don't know how you do it, but I give you a lot of credit!" LOL! I just laugh, because I give us a lot of credit also! I see people with 1-4 kids who can barely hold the fort. So I guess because since our kids are pretty well behaved in public, it makes me look like a good mom! LOL!

I do have to say though, I believe that my strictness with them is a result of them behaving well in public. I can take these kids shopping all day (yes, all 5 of them), and all I need to to is feed them, and they are good to go! I do not let them run around and cause rukus in the stores. They know it's unacceptable behaviour, and that they will get a time out in the store, or they will get no TV, or Video games.

I have to admit now......

I have been on a constant anxitey attack the past week....Let me just give you a little background here...I am a hypochondriac LOL! in the past month I have been to the dr. 4 times (Bill counted). LOL! Anyway, I guess with all these actors dying all of a sudden out of the blue, then that whole thing with with North Korea threatining to "Wipe us off the Map", and Swine flu....there would be no reason why I would not be so filled with constant anxitey...

I know as a parent, that we all worry for our own health, and the health of our families and especially our kids....they are so innocent and it's terrible for anything to happen to them....I noticed that I started the anxiety after I had Jordan and with each kid after him it gets worse! (I think it's because I now have 5 lives to worry about) I constantly worry to the point where it's hard to eat, or have a good time really doing anything, because I worry about someone getting hurt, dying or getting sick....

(No, I am not depressed......I just worry a lot****just to clarify for those who like to talk about me behind my back*****I don't need anymore rumors in the neighborhood thinking I have a depression problem now.)

I can only feel and know that I am so lucky that God has blessed me with 5 healthy and beautiful boys, and I want to know why I am so lucky! Like why is the Duggar family so lucky with health? 18 kids and all of them are just fine. Or Even John and Kate....okay, well, their marriage is over, but they have all healthy kids. I know I should be very happy and carefree, but on the contrary~I am a constant worrying mess.....

I know that I should be thankful, and not worry about everything so much to the extream, but I always see to live by the theory "Think of the worst, and hope for the best". Maybe I am a little too much on the "think of the worst" part. LOL! I am the first to admit that when someone has something, or I notice something maybe I have not noticed before, I am the first to research it online, and make my self absolutely crazy and sick over it, I look for every symptom possible... It's a terrible feeling in which I have no control over...I don't really like taking drugs, so I am trying to find a natural way to be rid of this constant anxiety attack. It's already going on a week now, and it's driving me crazy! I have to start going to the gym again, because I felt my best when I was going there.

Oh well, what are you going to do?! Just Breathe..........................Yoga Style!

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